domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Informal letter and Essay

Informal letter

Dear Mary,
Sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. I’ve been very busy doing projects and studying for exams from college. If I’d had time I would have written to you before.
I told you last summer that I was going to study nursery education. I’m enjoying this first year a lot because I’m learning about how to educate children. What is more, I’m trying to practise with some children I know. Last week one of them told me that I was a really good teacher and obviously these words encouraged me a lot. I also went to a school to see four-year-old children to do a project for the university. I wish you were here to tell you all my experiences. Do you remember how much time we spent teaching our dolls? I hope you are enjoying your cooking course in Palma. I may visit you this summer.
I must go now as I have to study for an exam.
Best wishes,

 166 words 


Nowadays, there are some teachers that are using modern methodologies. However, there are teachers and parents who think that traditional methodologies are better than the modern ones.
On the one hand, there are a lot of people who went to traditional schools and felt discouraged because of their low marks. Although they were not told what they needed to improve. That was the reason why lots of them left school and started to work. In addition, students who are taught with traditional methodologies tend to memorize without understanding the meaning of what they are studying.
On the other hand, students who have traditional teachers have a better behaviour in class. Furthermore, it is an easy and cheap way to teach.

To conclude, I believe that, if teachers used a more modern methodology, students would be more motivated. Consequently, it is more probable for them to find a good job. What do you think about traditional methodologies? Are you for or against?

161 words

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